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Experienced Plumbers & Service Technicians:
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Let Our Team Of Service Specialists Resolve Your Plumbing Problems!
Precision Plumbing, Inc.
First Privately Owned Company In Eastern North Carolina To Switch Over To Natural Gas Vehicles!
Going Green To Save You Green!
Thank you for visiting our website! Plumbing is one of those necessities in life that when it’s working we don’t give it much thought.
But…when it’s not life can sure get messy! That’s where we come in, we love plumbing. Let us burden your problem and make the mess go away. There is nothing we can’t handle, there is no problem too big or leak too small.
We’ve been everywhere but the electric chair and seen everything but the wind. We really hope you have no problems, but if problems find you we hope that you’ll find us.
Our Vision
Redefine plumbing service to better suit the people it serves.
Our Mission
Provide quality service and a friendship for life.